Health & Wellness
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The power of the breath for mind and body fitness is so important for our overall mental wellbeing to lower stress levels and to tap into one of the simplest ways to boost our health!

A fundamental part of life and Yoga is the Pranayama (Breathing) Techniques… 

So… I visited The Sanctuary in Wakefield

Life Hack

My top tip to keep healthy, both in mind and body is to ‘learn how to breathe’. Everyone breathes obviously but a lot of people do not know how to use their lungs to their full capacity and how that can have a positive effect on their mental wellbeing.

In Yoga especially we learn different pranayama (breathing) techniques that can be used in our day to day lives as a way of stress busting, anxiety relieving & a way to help us focus and become more level headed.

This is a massive life hack – learn to breathe properly and see the world, your world clearer. “Then add physical yoga into the mix and as you unravel your body your thoughts and problems will also become resolved.

Natalie, Sanctuary Health and Wellbeing Ltd.

Mind Challenge

Take some fresh air daily. Whether that be on a walk or opening the window to start with.

Natural daylight and fresh air boost our mood (lowering cortisol levels), brain cognition and improves sleep (our circadian rhythm).



Did you know?

 80% of our lungs are in our back… Most people only use their chest to breathe.

By lengthening, deepening and slowing your breath down It helps to calm the central nervous system by switching off the fight or flight mode that we tend to be in most of our modern lives. It can help to lower your blood pressure and heart rate. And by learning to use your lungs to their full capacity this can in turn strengthen your immune system. Something we all need these days.


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