What do you love?
What does your daily life look like?Manic, I’m a life crammer, promising everybody the world and trying my best to deliver.I can’t say no. We always have several plans in one day.
I’ve learned to only tell my husband one maybe two at a time or he’d tell me off for cramming too much in!
What inspires you to keep going? I genuinely enjoy being busy, even though sometimes the stress gets the better of me, I can never just sit and watch TV, I always have to be doing several things at once.
What is your greatest passion?
Doing the best I can for our family, I like making things too- I am a bit of a show off!
What are you up to at the moment? www.wakefield.mumbler.co.uk, I’m very excited about this new chapter in my life. I’ve learned so much in the last 3 months and I can’t wait to get started. I was going to a sewing class before MUmbler happened and I want to be able to pick that up again soon, I learned to knit when I was pregnant this gave me something else to do when watching TV.