I have five dads to cater for with gifts this Father’s Day, not one of them happens to be available on Sunday but anyway, it’s not going to stop me from telling you how kick-ass amazing dads can be.
I feel the need to vent here as I write a parenting blog after all and, it has always surprised/shocked me how we as a society don’t seem to always value the role a good dad can have in a child’s life.
Pregnancy appointments are all about “Mum and baby” which can leave dads/father figures who want to be involved, out of the picture.
And I am so lucky because my Dad and the other father figures in my life are well and truly instrumental to making our family fabulous, by no means perfect, but fab all the same.
So why/ how am I lucky enough to have five father figures?
I have my main Dad ‘Dad’ Steve (I’d call him biological Dad but our relationship is more than blood), I have two step-dads (my Mum’s husband Lee and my Dad’s husband Mark), I have my main man my husband Chris who is father to our little kids, and I now have acquired a father-in-law called Colin too.
My Dad (Steve) has always fought my sister and I’s corner. He’s laughed through our rebellious nose and belly-button piercings, he’s dressed us in matching outfits from the market and most of all, he has taught us about fairness and equality.
He is a feminist, an activist and a spokesperson for different minorities. We were brought up with open-minds and a respect for everyone regardless of their background. He has always been my sound board.
My Dad’s husband Mark has been in my life since I was three-years-old. He’s always had a good sense of humour and is my Dad’s rock. I can’t imagine my family without him.
Then I’ve got my other Step-Dad Lee. He has been my taxi driver for more than a decade as well as a good friend and we have NEVER had an argument including when I was a teenager.
And now I have my hubby Chris who is just the BEST Dad to our two daughters. I don’t know where any of us would be without him. He keeps our little family going and I am very blessed to have him i our lives.
I also now have a father-in-law Chris dad Colin. He is our Handy Man, our taxi driver and is a great help.
Now I know I am extremely lucky to have so many amazing men in my life. But I hope others in a similar position can join me in shouting out about their fab father figures… because you are appreciated and you do make a positive impact in our lives.
2 Comments. Leave new
Great post. At first I thought your mom was married five times. Nice to learn the math behind the story!
Haha! Thanks a lot! A lot of ppl think that